An event for the Society for Creative Anachronism

Camping Tips

Knowing what to expect when camping at Battlemoor will not only make the event successful for you and your campmates, it will make it all the more fun and safe for everyone. Here are some assorted tips to help us all have a rewarding Battlemoor.

Upon Arrival

Be sure to check in at the Gate first to get your site token. A map of the site will be on the wall within the Gate tent and the lovely volunteers can point you in the right direction of your camp.

Temperature and Weather
The mountains of Colorado are warm and windy during the day and often quite chilly during the nights. Pack your sunscreen, the elevation will allow you to burn faster, and drink water, as wind dehydrates more than we realize. At night, it gets very cold so layers are recommended! No one will know you’re wearing long johns under those pants unless you tell them. Bring more blankets and socks than you think you will need. It’s also suggested to bring HotHands hand warmers. The populace stresses laying a tarp under your tent. If you choose an air mattress, remember to put a blanket over the top, as the air in the mattress will not warm up.

The site is broad and there will be events and activities going on constantly, so make sure your footwear is suitable for walking many miles a day. For the handicap, there will be golf carts running daily. For everyone, a hay wagon running from 10am to 5pm hours throughout the day.

Lost Items
Consider marking your mugs with your name and group if possible. If you lose something, check in at the Welcome Tent for the lost and found collection.

An easy way to prepare food is to bring it pre-made in Ziploc bags or vaccuum-sealed bags, and throw them in boiling water. Packages of aluminum foil on a fire is also a great way to cook fast and easy meals, but be mindful of open fire restrictions.. Check with your campmates first to see if someone is hosting a kitchen you can buy into. Remember, there are bears in the mountains, so put your food away to deter both predators and insects.

All participants bringing a propane device, such as a stove for cooking or a firepit, will need to also bring a fire extinguisher.  This is mandatory and will be checked by the event Fire Marshal

Being Courteous

The SCA Code of Conduct includes to “Promote a safe and respectful environment for all SCA events.” Please be aware that respiratory allergies exist to both tobacco and marijuana smoke that many active members in the SCA are dangerously allergic to marijuana smoke. Be cognizant of who is around you; you may be asked to relocate your person when you smoke. Camps are asked to talk with their neighbors and inform each other of a smoke or other allergy.

Please be aware and courteous, as we’re all trying to enjoy ourselves in different ways.

Quiet Hours
Some of your campmates like to sleep, and you will eventually. Quiet hours are between midnight and 8am. Please be kind.

A charming and easy way to light your camp is with solar lights, of which there are many kinds. They help light the paths between tent poles and ropes to make a safer environment. Do be courteous that your lights are not too bright or negatively affecting your campmates.

Services on Site

Usability of Site
The site itself is about 10 miles west of Aguilar, Colorado.  Aguilar is a great small town, but has limited supplies.  Plan on coming prepared for the entire event.  If you need to make a supply run, plan on driving down I-25 to Trinidad– about 20 more miles.

BRING PORTABLE WATER CONTAINERS. As of 2024, there will be potable water available for all. Water buffaloes are provided and will be filled from Municipal water sources. NOTE: The amount available onsite is 3 gallons per person per day and this may not serve all of your needs, so bring your own water as needed.

Gray Water
If you are planning on doing your own dishes on site, please bring biodegradable soap, and dump the water in a hole you have dug.

Open Flames
Fires are only allowed via devices with an on/off switch (e.g. propane stove). Do not leave open flames unattended.

All participants bringing a propane device, such as a stove for cooking or a firepit, will need to also bring a fire extinguisher.  This is mandatory and will be checked by the event Fire Marshal

Animals on Site
Please keep all pets leashed at all times, and be aware of their location. We ask that pets not be tied near the roads for their safety and the safety of those walking who may not want to be friends with your pet. Please keep your pets quiet for the sake of those within earshot.

Handling Alcohol and the Altitude
The altitude in Aguilar is just under 7,000 feet, and if you are not used to the altitude, we offer caution. It is easy to become dehydrated, especially in the wind and sun, and when you mix in alcohol it is easy to quickly become intoxicated. Drink more water than you think you need!

Vigilantly Watching Open Beverages
We always hope everyone around us is honorable, and while the SCA is filled with noble people, it is always a responsible thing to watch your drinks. We want a safe and fun environment, so be on your guard, and on the guard of those around you. Should you witness anything concerning, please contact your nearest Event Steward or Seneschal.

The main trees on the site are pines, so come prepared if you have allergies.

WiFi and Calling
There is very limited cell service on site.