An event for the Society for Creative Anachronism

Camp Registration/Land Allocation

Camp Registration is closed. Land Allocation has been completed. The Map for Battlemoor 2024 can be found here.

For those who missed this process, you are still welcome to attend! You are welcome to camp with your local group, in the accessibility camp (click Here for more information) or in the open space as indicated on the map of the site.

Battlemoor is unlike any other camping location you may have ever visited. Sitting in the shadow of the beautiful East Spanish Peak, this wooded and hilly meadow is home for you for an entire week. Unlike many other locations, we have more land available than you can imagine, but sadly it is rough. We have trees, rocks and hills. We are limited by time and money to expand and take advantage of all this beautiful space. Because of this, wherever you camp, and wherever you want to go, it’s uphill, both ways, through the snow (thankfully in July, no snow.) Your campsite may have many trees, it could have scrub oak, there may even be a tapped off wood pile full of snakes and other animals.

How is your land space located? Unlike many other events, we don’t give you a piece of land and ask you to fit, we look at how many in your group has preregistered, and how many people, and shade/kitchen pavilions your camp coordinator tells us you will bring. We then prioritize camps from the closest to Town Square outwards depending on precedence. Outlands and Visiting Royals will have first choice, followed by our Baronies, other visiting kingdoms, shires, colleges, and then households.

The land on which Battlemoor is located is a Conservation Land Trust. This is both an incredible thing because the land is committed to remaining undeveloped (pretty much forever) and to environmental conservation. It means that we have stricter requirements for the use of the land, but it also means that it will remain the incredibly beautiful and pristine site that it is hopefully forever. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate the restrictions that come with protecting the land.

There are a few common questions we have received over time, and would like to answer them for everyone.

  • If we come to clean up, are we guaranteed a better location? You aren’t guaranteed, but it has never hurt your odds. Clean ups are designed to improve the entire site, and not just where you are camping. The final map isn’t completed till after the first clean up.
  • If we have camped in this location before, can we camp there again? We will do our best to give you the same location, sometimes you may have to be nudged, but that is the nature of Land Allocation.
  • We have strict requirements for our camp (such as shade, flatness, distance.) This is common for everyone, and we will do our best to meet the needs. If you have someone who due to a disability needs to be near power and Town Square, we have an accessible camp which is across the road from Town Square and Generator Access. Flatness is one thing we can nearly guarantee you won’t get, Welcome to the Colorado Rockies, nothing is flat.
  • We would really like to sleep quietly at night. If your camp coordinator marks your camp a quiet preferred, you will be placed in a quiet camping area, which are bordered by unfinished land and Baronial/Kingdom Camps. You will not be placed next to an all night party camp.
  • We have people with horse/pot/other allergies, can you keep us safe? Yes we can! Let us know, and we will make sure you are not near Equestrian fields/camping or where pot smoking is likely to occur.
  • Can I toss a tarp over my truck and camp with my friends? I’m afraid not, motorized vehicles are only allowed by county laws to be parked in RV or in the Parking Areas. You may only load and unload your car in the camp area, and then must promptly move it.
  • When will I find out where we are camping? We would like to tell you as soon as you register, but even then it is likely to change. The full map will not be finalized till the first major site cleanup is complete.
  • Who do I contact with further questions? Your land team can be reached at [email protected].
  • Can I show up early and setup my camp? Early arrival is limited to site setup, if you wish to arrive early or stay late (please, we need help at teardown more than you can imagine), please sign up to help Setup and/or Tear Down Here. Then while you are helping us get Battlemoor started, you can help get your camp started too.