An event for the Society for Creative Anachronism

Site Rules

We appreciate your adherence to these few rules. Please respect the land and leave it better than you found it.

Law and Policy

Battlemoor is an official event of the SCA, Inc. – Kingdom of the Outlands. Modern law as well as the laws and policies of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and the Kingdom of the Outlands apply at all times. The Event Stewards reserves the right to remove anyone from Battlemoor for failure to comply with these rules or for otherwise creating an unacceptable disturbance. Serious violations may result in being banned from the following year’s Battlemoor, referral to the Kingdom or Society for additional action, or referral to the modern authorities. In cases of violation of modern law, the local civil authorities may be summoned. Such violations will be considered grounds for removal from the site with forfeiture of fees.

Arrival and Departure

Upon arriving, stop at the Gate to begin check in. Help is available to find your campsite or camping group. If you are preregistered and come on site before Tuesday for set-up, you must check in with gate Tuesday morning.

Please unload as quickly as possible.  You may pull off the roads to do so.  Then immediately move your vehicle to the parking lots. All vehicles should display a parking sheet on the dashboard and be parked in appropriate areas. The dashboard parking sheet is so we can contact you if there are any problems.

When you leave:

  1. Fill in any ‘sump holes’ dug for grey water. Fill any tent pole or other holes before you leave.
  2. Clear your site of trash/debris large and small.
  3. Please take your trash to the dumpsters provided. There are large dumpsters available by the main gate on the way out of site.
  4. Drive slowly on the dirt roads.
Site Usage

You MAY NOT step on the hay being grown. Stay away from all irrigation equipment. The ONLY exception is the archery field. You may WALK on that.

No Cutting Trees or Limbs! If you have a tree or limbs in your encampment that you feel poses a danger let the Autocrats know and we will take care of it.

Respect property boundaries; do not cross fences. We have plenty of room here!

The vehicles, houses, trailers and any buildings or structures are the Private Property of the Site Owner. Tampering, entering, defacing or disrespectful acts will not be tolerated.

BRING PORTABLE WATER CONTAINERS. As of 2024, there will be potable water available for all. Water buffaloes are provided and will be filled from Municipal water sources. NOTE: The amount available onsite is 3 gallons per person per day and this may not serve all of your needs, so bring your own water as needed.

Electricity is for Staff and official use only. If you need to charge a medical device, please talk to the event stewards.

Generator and motor quiet time will begin at 10:00 PM and end at 7:00 AM each day. Anything that can be heard in court will need to be turned off during court.

Fire Information and Rules
  1. Subject to fire restrictions at the time of the event, there will be a fire each night in Town Hall.
  2. In camps, only propane stoves, lanterns, etc. that have on–off switches are allowed, and must be attended at all times. A fire extinguisher must be available at each camp using such a device.
  3. Look for posted fire warnings and observe them. Local Fire Restrictions in Las Animas County are subject to change at any time prior to or during the event.
  4. While smoking is permitted, DO NOT THROW CIGARETTE BUTTS ON THE GROUND. Anyone caught doing so may be asked to leave the site.
  5. No smoking within Town Hall pavilions – please treat these structures as you would a building and step outside these enclosures in consideration for fellow attendees and tent safety.
Alcohol and Marijuana
In Colorado you must be 21 to consume alcohol, marijuana, etc…. This will be enforced without exception.
Where marijuana consumption is legal for recreational use, all local and/or state laws should be followed and its usage should be treated similarly to alcohol and tobacco. Additionally, where marijuana consumption is legal for medical use, all local and/or state laws should be followed to conform to those regulations as well. Participants within the SCA should always observe courtesy with their use of any product that produces smoke or vapor. Both tobacco and marijuana smoke can be harmful to others and exposure to second hand smoke is a health risk we should not impose on others.
The SCA Code of Conduct includes to “Promote a safe and respectful environment for all SCA events.” Please be aware that respiratory allergies exist to both tobacco and marijuana smoke and you may be asked to relocate your person when you smoke. Camps are asked to talk with their neighbors and inform each other of a smoke or other allergy.
Monitor Children

The “Sight and Sound” rule is in effect at Battlemoor for children. This rule states that children less than 12 years old should be in eyesight and earshot (hearing) of a parent, legal guardian, “Temporary Guardian”, designated adult, or designated teenager (as determined by the parent or guardian). The Sight and Sound Rule applies even when the minor is in service or at youth activities. 

All minors (ages 0-17 years) must be accompanied by a registered adult and MUST have a completed Minors Consent Waiver. The waiver forms can be found Here.

Minors may not attend events unless accompanied by a responsible adult – a parent, legal guardian, or a temporary legal guardian. Minors must be checked in at gate by their parents, legal guardians (with copies of their court documents) or a Child Temporary Guardian Consent Form.” Other minors, even their own siblings, cannot check in minors at the gate. Adults, who bring minors to Outlands events for whom they are not the Parent or Legal Guardian (as appointed by a court), are considered to be Temporary Guardians. The waiver forms can be found Here.

Monitor & Cleanup after Pets (including horses & goats)

Pets are allowed on site as long as they are properly leashed at all times. Clean up after your animals appropriately (pickup all of their poop)! Pets are welcome in camps as long as they’re under control. If your pets are making enough noise that there are complaints, you may move to a campsite without neighbors or take them to a kennel in town. Vaccination records may be asked for.

Companion animals are welcome at Battlemoor, but it’s important to recognize that owners should be prepared to meet their needs on site.  The staff has drafted guidelines so that owners may be prepared to keep their companions safe and protected during the event.

Companions must be on leash with their owner (or designated attendant), or safely contained in their campsite.  They may be crated or penned, with pens allowing them sufficient room to stand, turn around, and lie down freely.  If tethered, tethers should be no longer than 12’, out of public traffic, and tangle proof.  All shelters should provide ample shade and protection from the elements, and have fresh water accessible.

All animals at Battlemoor shall wear identification bearing the name of their owner and camp at all times.  Owners should have proof of current rabies vaccine with them as well.  Given the wooded nature of the site, the staff recommends that animals have preventative treatment for ticks and fleas.

Quiet hours are from 10pm to 8am, and companions should be quiet during that time.  If you have questions or concerns, please address them to the Watch.

Other event attendees who have concerns about the care of an animal at the event should address those concerns to Security, who will speak with the owner in question.

Mirza Jibra’il `Attar’s Guide to Understanding Dog Behavior

May you have safe travels home.  We look forward to seeing you next year!